Well, we got back from Cape May LATE on Wednesday, December 27th, and it was back to work Thursday morn. But after work Friday, we again hit the road, this time with our friends Sean and Cheryl. We headed down to Savannah, GA for the weekend, and we stayed on Tybee Island in a rental house.
We ran into the owner’s of the house Sunday morning as we were coming back form church and they were returning from the local dog park (hey, to each their own- we started our day with Hail Mary’s, they started their’s with Bloody Mary’s). This is where the adventure started, as we accepted an offer to join them on their boat and head over to Daufuskie Island.
Interesting cats. Paul is on the Tybee City Council, and Annie works at a wildlife refuge / zoo / educational facility back towards Savannah. We spent a fe whours on the island, walked along the beach, saw where author Pat Conroy taught school as a VISTA (the basis for his book The Water is Wide), saw dolphins, and got caught in the water by a fast moving storm. The storm was my favorite part, because it was one of those truly random life moments that I couldn’t have predicted I would found myself in. There we were in the middle of the water, the waves kicking the boat up so hard that Sean and Annie were being thrown up tin the air (Sean holding a rope to keep from flying off, Annie holding their Dog Sandy to keep HIM from leaping out of the boat). Then the rain just came down and soaked all of us, especially poor Cheryl, who was getting rain and Sea spray right in the face. Obviously, we arrived safely, but drenched. So back to the house to dry off and shower. We were invited to go to a party down the road, but instead stayed in, cooked dinner, played Mille Bornes, and watched bad pop music on Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve.
Here’s a link to Katie’s Flickr account with a few photos.
Links to Pritcher's pages: Link One and Link Two.