We also invite two representatives of each of the co-ops to
the Capacitar office at Mrs. Mbogoma’s house to meet each other and share ideas
and concerns. The women did swap ideas and one group shared its constitution
with the others to use as a guide for creating their own. A representative of
SIDO (Small Industry Development Organization) also spoke and shared about what
they do and the types of services they offer groups (microfinance options,
trainings, etc). The women were very appreciative of the information they
received. While the planning of this seminar was a collective effort, the idea
was mine, so it was very satisfying to see it come to fruition.
I’ve also been quite busy working on the arrival of our two
new missioners, I’m in charge of orientation for the next year, so there have
been emails, skype calls, immigration documents, etc to deal with.
Additionally, I helmed the reapplication of 5 current missioners residency
permits. Tanzania is updating its system for residency permits and cancelled
all current permits. We had to reapply. It was frustrating. No exciting stories
there. Just lots of paperwork and frustration. Bang your head against the wall
a few times and you’ll get a close approximation.
So that’s it for now. Katie’s mom and stepdad are here for 2
weeks, so I’ll have plenty of new stories to share soon.
Please consider supporting our mission work. Financial Support can be sent to MKLM, P.O. Box 307, Maryknoll, NY 10545-0307 or online at http://tinyurl.com/ChrisandKatieReid. Denote “Chris and Katie Reid- Mission Account” in the memo line or intention box to support us in mission. All contributions are tax deductible.