...and that "Darndest Thing" is ME.
This last Saturday, the kids of our Chanua group met for their regular Saturday morning meeting. We vary on what we do at these meetings. Sometimes we teach them lessons to help with their school work, sometimes we sing and/or draw pictures, and sometimes we just have game days. This last Saturday, because we were also handing out items of clothing for the kids, we decided it was a good day to draw.
Now, these kids tend to draw the same things over and over, which is fine. It goes like this:
Girls: flowers, princesses, houses, their school teachers
Boys: soccer players, airplanes, cars, the Tanzanian flag
In light of the repetitive nature of their pictures, we often give them a topic to draw to inspire them to think outside the box a little more. And this week I told them that they should draw either ME or my coworker Mary.
My friends, you are in for a treat. Before we delve into these drawings, I want to say one thing: I LOVE these drawings. I love the way kids draw. I love everything about these drawings and I am super proud of them.
Now, with that said, I'm gonna kinda make fun of these drawings because they are of ME and I look INSANE in all of them. They are wonderful.

I think I look pretty burly here. Like a lumberjack or someone who's ready for
some blue collar work. I'll see you mofos down at the DOCKS.
Looks like I'm wearing clown shoes. Symbolism, perhaps?
Trying to make a statement about my soul. I like the artistic license.
In this one, I'm clearly angry about my botched plastic surgery. Which is TRUE.
I'm STILL pissed about it. Also, I'm angry about my clubfeet.
This one just works. I think I have a grill in this one.
The slightly stunned, vacant look? LIKE A PHOTOGRAPH, this one.
This one clearly got the proportions correct. Also, I need some red pants.
This was a child's take on me if I were a serial killing version of
Ed Grimley.
I do wear a lot of greens and blues.
Katie and I laughed really hard at the red shoes. Then I remembered I own a pair of red shoes.
I did not realize my arms were that hairy. YOU LEARN SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY.
Excuse me, sir. Have you seen my feet? And the other half of right arm?
Otherwise, this one is pretty accurate.
"Vacant Eyes and Tiny Slippers: The Story of Chris Reid." Monday, 11pm, Lifetime Network.
I like the sass in this one. I feel a little like Beyonce.
OK, I look like an angry monkey in this one. Which is cool.
I need to take a minute to talk about spelling. The Sukuma people do not
differentiate between R's and L's, so they spell my name is many creative
ways based on how they hear my name. So "Chris" becomes some variant of "Kilis."
Based on the above drawing, I'm obviously battling for the Iron Throne of Westeros.
I WISH I LOOKED THIS COOL IN REAL LIFE. Seriously. I look like a member of
The Clash.
I look kinda like Ice Cube here. VALID.
Also, I'm handing out clothing here, hence the shirt in my hand. Or I'm Edward Wardrobehands.
I shore am glad Aunt Mommy and Uncle Cousin picked me up after I got my lobotomy.
I think I need to consider going sleeveless more.
I'm not sure if you have ever seen
Eraserhead, but THIS kid certainly has.
I'm kinda like
Cthulhu, but with beard tentacles.
Bonus Drawing: Here's one of Mary, my Coworker.