Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Hello! I'm Here! Really!

self portrait
Originally uploaded by baldman76
Oh, this blog! I love having it, yet I cannot for the life of me feel compelled to actually post on it.

Dear Readers, I have been busy. And sick. And tired. And sick and tired of being busy. But life is pretty good. So, from the last few weeks, some observations and updates, in no particular order, and certainly not all-inclusive.

1. Happy birthday to Mom (Feb 4th) and Fuzzy (Feb 3rd)!

To Mom- I know the days an be hard, but I think you are handling things with the utmost grace and strength. I love you.

To Fuzzy, I love you, too, man. Due to sickness and being out-of-town (always a fun combination), I didn’t call you. But we hope your b-day was great. And hopefully soon, you will get your present (if it hasn’t arrived already).

2. Yeah, so the whole sick thing. Katie has been really sick for a few days, an I thought I was managing to stay healthy, but alas, the Dread Mahocus has me in its grip now, as well. Missed several blocks of work-related stuff, but did manage to make it to all my classes. Hopefully we are on the mend.

3. Because of the day and because I am Catholic, I have ashes all over my head right now. Gonna try to stop cussing for Lent, but that’s gonna be pretty f%@#ing hard for me. I’ll try, though.

4. Thanks to Erica and Fuzzy for the new computer. I have over half my CD’s now loaded up on iTunes. And my lip gloss be poppin.’

5. So our dear priest at St. Tomas More, Father Tim, was transferred. And our new priest, Father Marcin Zahura, has been here since Feb. 1st. And, man, what a difference. I like him, I do. Liked him pretty quickly, actually, but he is different. He is…uhh, stricter, shall we say. Which is not necessarily a bad change. It will be interesting to see how the congregations take to him. I’ll leave it at that for now. Gonna study this new fella a while.

That’s it for this post. But I’ll post more soon. I’ll try harder, folks. I really will!


St. Elizabeth of Cayce said...

Welcome back from the Netherlands of school and illness. Have you yet been assigned your "stations, with a rosary between each station" penance yet?

If I do this link right, you should be able to see the Padre smiling.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you posted and what a great picture!! Who took it??!?!
Erica and I read your blog together and laughed at the same time. Oh, and good luck with the cursing!!
I am doing GREAT!! Seriously. I just want you and Erica and your spouses to be well, happy, and, well, HAPPY!! I love you!!

IPW said...

Hey! You could have given a shout out to me for my Birthday!

Seriously, I hope you are all do well!