Friday, June 22, 2007

Last Week of Work

I have been super busy this last week creating a Powerpoint presentation about the history of graphic novels for work, so I have hardly had a chance to post anything, but it’s been an interesting week. Yesterday, Thursday June 21st, was my last day of work at the Cooper Branch of the RCPL.

My coworkers were so tremendously generous, with cards, gifts, fruit baskets (for real) and plenty of hugs and well wishes. I jokingly said that if this is what I got after just one year, I should’ve stayed for two and they’d likely give me a car. They’re a good group of folks to work with and my decision to leave had nothing to do with the job itself. I will really miss working there, not only my coworkers, but also (most of) the patrons, especially the little ones in storytime.

The staff also gave me a book of photos to remember my year here, and the last page was a poem written by Judy Eaddy. It was as follows:

Ode to Chris*

When computers break down, stop and stall
Who ya gonna call?
The man who’s bald
Chris Reid

When a big ol’ delivery stops us all
Who ya gonna call?
The man who’s tall
Chris Reid

When one of our patrons starts to fall
Who ya gonna call?
The man who has it all
Chris Reid

When somebody poops all over the library hall**
Who ya gonna call?
The man who cleans it all
Chris Reid

Now when he’s gone and off our list
Who we gonna miss?
Our dear friend Chris
Chris Reid!

* I believe this poem is loosely is based on the Ghostbusters tune

** Yes, this happened yet again, the first time being when a kid crapped all over the floor in the children’s section and then proceeded to stand in it and track it around the area. Well, THIS Tuesday afternoon, at 5:26pm (4 minutes until I was off), I discovered a lot of foul smelling crap smeared into the carpet. In the ADULT section. And I won’t elaborate on my theories, but I am pretty sure it actually came from an adult. With Irene’s help, I scrubbed it up. I must say, it made leaving my job a LITTLE bit easier to handle.


Anonymous said...

The poem actually made me teary eyed!!!!!!

St. Izzy said...

There was a This American Life story about this final duty (heh heh He said duty. heh heh). I think the story was by David Sedaris, but I'm not sure, and the revamp of their website has me stumfuzzled. But it was about retail stores having to deal with excretions in various places.

But the poem was great.