Also, this happened yesterday.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Happy New Year From Tanzania!
Hope everyone has a blessed New Year! We'll get some more photos up once we get more internet access (we're having to use our hosts internet, and we want to be respectful of their resources), but we're alive and well!
Also, this happened yesterday.
Also, this happened yesterday.
Thursday, December 08, 2011
The End is Near!
This will likely be one of the last posts I do until we are done with our training. I had the intention of posting a bit more regularly with updates and insights about what we have learned and experienced here in Ossining, but the time has gone by in the blink of an eye. We have our final sending ceremony (our “graduation” if you will) this Saturday, and almost immediately folks are heading off to spend their final weeks in preparation for our imminent departures. It’s mind-boggling, actually. As I walk through the building, the chapel, and the classroom, there’s such a flood of emotions that come at the realization that we’re done here and that the next step is a REALLY BIG step. The last few days have focused a lot of preparing for the transition and embracing the complexity of emotions we may be feeling at this time.
And it is an emotional time. We’re lucky that 5 of the 16 are going to Tanzania, so we don’t have as many goodbyes to say, but there are still many goodbyes to come in the next few days. Some folks I’ve gotten to know better than others, but everyone in the group is a person that I am so happy to be able to call a friend. Not only are there feelings of sadness as we experience these farewells, but the swirl of emotion inside is intense. I am so excited to be reaching my goal of moving to Africa- I told someone the other day that I have been so fixated on just getting to Africa that at this point I don’t even have to be good at what I am being sent to do to feel like I accomplished my goal; “boots on the ground” is enough at this point. So I am excited, but I’d be lying if I said I weren’t a bit freaked out. Anxiety can get a pretty good foothold if I let it. The other day I found myself lying in bed just staring at the ceiling, having a moment where I was filled with doubt, filled with a feeling of truly second-guessing myself and my decision. But it passed. I am ready to do this. I offer my anxieties up to God; my spirit is ready to take on the challenge.
So when people ask “How are you feeling? Are you excited?” please bear with us if we hesitate or give a slightly confused answer. Yes, we are excited, but that excitement comes all bundled up with lots of other thoughts. In the next day or two, I’ll try to get some quotes up here. We’ve had lots of excellent quotes, passages, and little sayings passed on to us, many of which contain lots of wisdom and points to ponder. I hope to be able to share some of these with you soon.
And it is an emotional time. We’re lucky that 5 of the 16 are going to Tanzania, so we don’t have as many goodbyes to say, but there are still many goodbyes to come in the next few days. Some folks I’ve gotten to know better than others, but everyone in the group is a person that I am so happy to be able to call a friend. Not only are there feelings of sadness as we experience these farewells, but the swirl of emotion inside is intense. I am so excited to be reaching my goal of moving to Africa- I told someone the other day that I have been so fixated on just getting to Africa that at this point I don’t even have to be good at what I am being sent to do to feel like I accomplished my goal; “boots on the ground” is enough at this point. So I am excited, but I’d be lying if I said I weren’t a bit freaked out. Anxiety can get a pretty good foothold if I let it. The other day I found myself lying in bed just staring at the ceiling, having a moment where I was filled with doubt, filled with a feeling of truly second-guessing myself and my decision. But it passed. I am ready to do this. I offer my anxieties up to God; my spirit is ready to take on the challenge.
So when people ask “How are you feeling? Are you excited?” please bear with us if we hesitate or give a slightly confused answer. Yes, we are excited, but that excitement comes all bundled up with lots of other thoughts. In the next day or two, I’ll try to get some quotes up here. We’ve had lots of excellent quotes, passages, and little sayings passed on to us, many of which contain lots of wisdom and points to ponder. I hope to be able to share some of these with you soon.
Friday, December 02, 2011
Four Years

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Dogs and Cats

Indeed, they are really good, and despite all of our training and preparations, I managed to get through both of them. Both were bestsellers and have been out for years, so I’m certainly not the first person to have read them, and I would recommend them if you like non-fiction and autobiographies. Alexandra Fuller was raised in Rhodesia and was a child when the ruling (all White) Rhodesian government fell to Black freedom fighters (led by then-hero-now-dictator Robert Mugabe) and became Zimbabwe. During her youth, Fuller lived in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Zambia.

She spends a good amount of time contemplating this aspect of her life as well as atoning for her “sins,” the sins of the White Rhodesian culture that brutally subjugated the majority Black population. She is not racist, but her family was, and Dogs discussed this with brutal honesty. In Cat, she befriends a former Rhodesian soldier and travels back with him to the regions where he fought, so she delves deeply into the Rhodesian war and all of its horrors (committed by both sides).
Fuller’s strength is her ability to humanize people that would at first glance seem like “bad” people. In her youth, her parents are unrepentantly racist. The soldier in Cat (known only as “K”) could be tried as a war criminal for the things he has done in his youth and has been psychologically damaged by what he has seen and done. Yet, these are real people, with real lives and dreams and feelings. "K" is plagued by the guilt of what he has done and has become a ardent Christian in seeking forgiveness. For all the negative things Fuller writes about her parents, especially her mother, she loves them. They are quite amazing people; their resiliency in the face of the obstacles and adversity they face is amazing. They do some bad things, but they do a lot of good things, too. They aren’t “bad” people, just damaged souls trying to make it through life.
So read these books. Both are worth your time. She has a few more books that I have not yet read, the newest being a full biography of her mother. I’m sure that would be a fascinating read.
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Rabble-Rouser in the House
He’s known for his stance on two major issues. Most recently- and most controversially- he has been outspoken in favor of the ordination of women priests in the Catholic Church. It is an understatement to say that the Vatican is not cool with this. Because of Fr. Roy’s stance and his participation in the ordination of a woman (he delivered the homily at the service) he has been excommunicated. He is very clear that his conscience will not allow him to recant, as he feels that it is sexist to state that a man’s call to the priesthood is authentic, but a woman’s is not. He has appealed to the Vatican to at least allow this topic to be discussed and debated in an open dialogue. His is a very controversial stance, and I know there were people in the audience that were not in agreement, and that is OK. In no way are we asked to agree with this if we are opposed. MKLM is a big enough family for multiple viewpoints.
Here's my quick opinion: I've not really given much thought to the issue, honestly. Personally, while the idea of women priests seems strange to me, I find no moral reasoning to be against it. The Vatican has a clear stance on the issue (Ordinatio Sacerdotalis), so I expect Fr. Roy will ultimately get booted or they'll just tolerate him and never actually finalize any of the threats; I certainly don't expect a reversal of the Vatican's opinion. And I also expect that the idea of women priests is a predominately Western viewpoint; I cannot imagine there's much support for it in Africa or Latin America, and what Fr. Roy is asking would affect every Catholic, so worldwide support would be a must. I expect we'll have married priests before we'll ever see a woman priest officially recognized by the Vatican. But I commend the man for staying true to his conscience, even in the face of a great loss of what he holds dear. CLICK HERE to read the statement Fr. Roy sent to Maryknolls when asked to recant his support. (It should also be pointed out that Katie and I have had some pleasant chats with Fr. Dougherty, to whom the letter is addressed and whom Fr. Roy still calls a close friend.)
The second issue- and his primary claim to fame- is the School of the Americas at Ft. Benning, GA, which has been renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. The school serves as a training academy for military personal from Central and South America. The crux of the matter is as follows, according to the site
"WHINSEC is a Defense Department facility at Fort Benning, near Columbus, GA, which provides “professional education and training for civilian, military and law enforcement students from nations throughout the Western Hemisphere.”
...It is the Defense Department’s principal Spanish-language training facility and, along with the U.S. Air Force's Inter-American Air Forces Academy (IAAFA), attracts the largest number of Latin American military students.
…Ask critics, and they will tell you that the institute has trained more than 60,000 soldiers in the counterinsurgency techniques, military intelligence, psychological warfare and interrogation, sniper training - and even torture, that have been the building blocks of the region’s history of bloody oppression and dictatorship. Ask a supporter, and they will tell you that the Institute has carried out a mission they consider crucial to national security, under fire of false accusations and Leftist propaganda."
There have been more than a few people trained at the facility who have been implicated in human rights abuses and murders. In protest of this training facility, Fr. Bourgeois founded School of the Americas Watch. Every year in November, this group is joined by thousands of others to protest outside the gates of Ft. Benning.
Now, here’s where the evening gets surreal and very amusing to me. Years ago, I bought a punk music compilation which contained the song “School of Assassins” (about the School of the Americas) by the band Anti-Flag. In the middle, there’s a sample of a guy yelling in protest of the SOA, and lo and behold, it’s Fr. Roy. So here I am Wednesday night, sitting across the table from the man himself, and I tell him I have a song in which he’s sampled. He’s never heard it, so I go get my computer, and minutes later find myself playing the song to the very man sampled within.
He was so freaking excited about this song. When we were wrapping up dinner, I took 2 pictures with him. The first is the more formal shot:
Then, he asked Katie to take one more shot and he threw his fists in the air and yelled “Anti-Flag! Get Those Motherf@#@$!” AWESOME.
Here’s a YouTube video of the Anti-Flag song that contains images of the yearly protests. Click HERE to see the lyrics of the song.
Feel free to post comments and thoughts in the comments section. There’s a lot to talk about in here.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween + MUCHADOR MADNESS
In a fortuitous alignment of the moon and stars for this Halloween evening, it just so happened that a certain someone and his significant other, Jan, were in town for work, so we were treated to a fine evening of MUCHADOR MADNESS. We met up with several of their friends, watched people set pumpkins on fire, and chatted the night away. Our conversations ran the gamut of topics.

Guests of the Franciscans
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Coyote Not-So-Ugly
October Snowpocalypse 2011
So we’re in the thick of the big, anomalous Great Northeastern October Snow Storm. It started this morning around 10:30am and it is currently 10:15pm and it hasn’t stopped yet. One of our fellow residents has been saying "Merry Halloween!" since it appears there are several holidays rolled up into one today (Memorial Day and Easter, I think).
Our friend Melissa was in town for a visit, and we managed to get her out of here before it got too intense.

Later in the afternoon, it was decided that we needed to venture out and let out some of our stir-crazy energy, and thus ensued a hour-long snowball fight. This snow fight also featured a very special appearance by Maryknoll Lay Missioner Extraordinaire, Liz Mach.

To see the whole set of photos, CLICK HERE.
Our friend Melissa was in town for a visit, and we managed to get her out of here before it got too intense.
Later in the afternoon, it was decided that we needed to venture out and let out some of our stir-crazy energy, and thus ensued a hour-long snowball fight. This snow fight also featured a very special appearance by Maryknoll Lay Missioner Extraordinaire, Liz Mach.
To see the whole set of photos, CLICK HERE.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Motivation: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

We read several excerpts from this book, but the one I picked up struck me as very profound. The quote discusses the motivations for why an individual would choose to be a missioner (more on the quote in a minute). This is a question that is not always easy to answer. As one of our leaders mentioned today, there’s something that certainly draws us to living in a certain ‘intensity” by living overseas; if we want to serve others and follow Christ’s teachings, we can do that HERE in the US. There’s some other draw that makes us give up our lives here and move to unfamiliar cultures and learn a new language and get sick and move to potentially dangerous areas. Something about that scenario speaks to us. It will be different for each of us.
There’s been quite a lot of discussion about motivation during the trainings, and actually some debate over whether one can have a pure motivation or whether we are each a tangle of different (and sometimes conflicting) motivations. I think the latter concept certainly describes me; I know that I am answering a call and feel driven by my faith, but I know there’s a lot more motive mixed up in there, and not all of it is good.
For me, there’s a lot in my head, certainly more than I have unpacked and understood, but today I gave this some thought. Certainly, my driving motivation is to live in solidarity with the poor, to live my Christian faith, but in a really extreme way. I have a hard time disconnecting from my normal routine and “living mission” here at home, so the act of uprooting myself and immersing myself completely in mission is appealing to me- but on some level, it’s a cop-out. Why can’t I do that here?
Well, another motivation is that I want to live in Africa. This to me is a very pure motive and yet one that is solely focused on MY desire. Yet it is one that I can easily merge with the mission call. Africa interests me, and I want to go there and experience it, the beauty, the struggles, the happiness and sadness, the overwhelming joy and the unbearable pain. I want to live in solidarity among the people and seek to better understand what it is to be a part of this world.
Another motivation is a little harder to admit because it is rooted in pride, but here goes: at some deep down, subconscious level, I think I want to do this because it seems to impress people. I come from a small Mississippi town, a place that does not exactly spur within people the desire to head to far-off lands. When people hear what we are doing, people seem impressed, or people think we're crazy, and both are OK to me. I want to live an interesting life so people will say “Man, that Chris Reid. He certainly did some amazing things!” This desire to “be impressive,” to break free of the shackles of a small-town life- is both arrogant and insulting to the people of my hometown. The desire to look “cool” in comparison to other’s lives is about as UN-Christian as one can get. I’m not proud of it, but I will at least own it and acknowledge it as one of the darker aspects of my self.
So back to Henri Nouwen. In the quote below, he discusses two dangerous motiviations for choosing mission, and both resonate with me. First, the quote (emphasis added by me):
The two most damaging motives in the makeup of missioners seem to be guilt and the desire to save. Both form the extremes of a long continuum, both make life in the mission extremely painful. As long as I go to a poor country because I feel guilty about my wealth, whether financial or mental, I am in for a lot of trouble. The problem with guilt is that it is not taken away by work. Hard work for the poor may push my guilt underground for awhile, but can never really take it away. Guilt has roots deeper than can be reached through acts of service. On the other hand, the desire to save people from sin, from poverty, or from exploitation can be just as harmful, because the harder one tries the more one is confronted with one’s own limitations. Many hard working men and women have seen the situation getting worse during their missionary career; and if they depended solely on the success of their work, they would quickly lost their sense of self worth. Although a sense of guilt and a desire to save can be very destructive and depressive for missioners, I do not think that we are ever totally free from either. We feel guilty and we desire to bring about change. These experiences will always play a part in our daily life.
–Excerpt of Henri J.M. Nouwen’s March 5 journal entry from ¡Gracias! A Latin American Journal (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 1983)
This text really speaks to me: if you are going to atone for guilt- your own guilt, or guilt from a unjust history that has provided you benefit- that guilt is only going to get worse when you immerse yourself in the pain and poverty of another nation. If your wealth or power makes you feel guilty NOW, wait until it appears in such stark contrast as to make it inescapable. The desire to save- that’s also a hard one that challenges my social work instincts. Now, this does not mean we cannot work for change, but it does remind us to know our role. WE aren’t saving anyone. We’re going to accompany the poor and marginalized, to listen to their stories, and assist how they want. But we need to know that we may not leave with a resume of amazing accomplishments. Hopefully we will leave with new friendships and with a sense of gratitude that we have been able to be a part of these people’s lives.
Fr. Nouwen continues on to say that whatever the motivation, all missioners lives should work toward being Christ-centered. That’s the crux of Henri Nouwen’s thought here: live in humility and in gratitude. Gratitude that we have the blessing to serve others in solidarity. I cannot be the savior; that’s not my role. But I can be the hands and feet of Christ, and for that I am thankful.
One last thought on my personal motivation: another reason I want to go overseas is to grow in my faith. I’m not going over to convert people. I’m not going over to teach people about how to be a good Christian. I’m going to Tanzania to let the poor and disenfranchised show ME what it truly means to follow Christ. I’m not serving as a missioner because I'm a good Christian; I’m serving because in many ways I don’t think I’m a particularly good Christian at all. I have a lot to learn.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Bad As Me (2011)

Everyone likes when their favorite artists release a new album, but Tom Waits fans are a particularly excitable bunch. The release of a new album just gets us all in a tizzy. Being a Tom Waits fan, it’s like being a club. Granted, it’s a BIG club, as there are a lot of us, but Tom Waits is one of those polarizing artists. There’s a few folks that are hardcore fans of one era of music but not so much other eras of his career (he has a 30-year recording career so there are definitely “eras” in his discography), but most fans dig the whole spectrum. And as he gets older, his music gets weirder. And in general, you either cannot fathom why someone might listen to his increasingly challenging, dissonant, cacophonous albums or you freaking LOVE it. I fall into the latter camp (and this is understatement).
Now, before I give you a quick run-down of the new album, I want to say that there are no Tom Waits albums that I don’t like. EVERY album is good, most are great. There are some I listen to more than others. And lately, I must confess, his albums haven’t always been so listenable for me. What I mean is this: I think Real Gone has some amazing tracks, and all the tracks are good. But I just don’t find myself listening to it often and rarely beginning to end. I played it steadily when it came out, but not much these days. There’s simply something about it that rattles me to much to put it on beginning to end. This is not a criticism, per se. I actually think some of the most “difficult” songs are the best on the album. Maybe it’s that my “listening” tastes have changed a bit over the last few years. And Orphans, man, that’s an amazing 3 disk set, but I will also confess that there are songs on there that come on my iTunes shuffle and I’m like “What the hell Tom Waits song is this?” I’m still just not familiar with everything on those albums, even years after its release. That’s a lot of music to digest.

So it should be clear by now that this is a glowing review. I don’t really “star” albums of give them grades, but this is a solid "A" in my opinion. Pick it up on October 25th. I will, for sure.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Reflections on Reflecting

This experience- moving to a new country and immersing myself in a new culture- it requires knowing yourself pretty well: your strengths, your weaknesses, your talents and skills, your desires, and most importantly, your needs. Knowing your needs- this falls squarely in the realm of self-care, a subject frequently discussed in social work circles: you won’t be able to help anyone if you yourself are falling apart. I appreciate the emphasis that has been put on this. We each need to know what we need; we might need to make some allowances and sacrifices, but there may be certain things that we need in order to function and thrive in our new environment. This doesn’t mean things such as high-speed internet, or perhaps cable; those are wants. Rather, it’s things like time alone, 8 hours of sleep, or community- the types of things that you need in order to stay sharp and well-adjusted. It will especially be important for the first months, when we might not be able to have much within our control and everything is cloaked in stress and confusion.
So the last few weeks have been a challenge in this respect, because in many ways, I don’t take the time to think about this type of stuff very much. In fact, I don’t tend to have much of an interest in doing so; I tend to roll along doing pretty good, so I don’t feel like I need to stop and dwell on anything for very long, However, I am being forced to do so, and that’s a good thing.
I can say that the overall experience here has been one of solid affirmation: neither Katie nor myself have any doubts that this where we are supposed to be. In fact, that has been one of the best aspects of this experience: when I put myself out there, when I really open up, the answers have been exactly what I needed to hear. This is not a case of simply having someone reinforce what I already think, but rather moments when I realize that ”I’m not alone! Other people think this way, too!” It’s connected with me in the way I view scripture, in the way I attempt to understand the world, and the way I try to live my faith. So I’m happy to be here, living the spirituality of the Maryknoll charism and growing in my faith. Some might say I'm as happy as a little field mouse in a bunch of flowers.
Monday, October 10, 2011
The Heart of Maryknoll
Now, if you are like me, you may not have heard much about Maryknoll. In fact, I reckon for most of the readers of this blog, you had not heard of Maryknoll until I mentioned it. So here’s a little super fast history for you, pulled from the Maryknoll website :
“When two American priests from distinctly different backgrounds met in Montreal in 1910, they discovered they had one thing in common. Father James Anthony Walsh, a priest from the heart of Boston, and Father Thomas Frederick Price, the first native North Carolinian to be ordained into the priesthood, [had a]… mutual desire to build a seminary for the training of young American men for the foreign Missions...

...By 1918, three young priests...were ready for the foreign missions in China, just after the first world war...Today there are over 475 Maryknoll Priests and Brothers serving in countries around the world, principally in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Over 10 decades, more than 2,000 men have been ordained to the missionary priesthood, and several hundred have taken oaths as Brothers.
Equally important in the development of Maryknoll was Mother Mary Joseph Rogers, who worked alongside Father Price and Father Walsh establishing the sister congregation--the Foreign Mission Sisters of St. Dominic, commonly known as the Maryknoll Sisters.
I’ll give you the history of Maryknoll Lay Missioners in another post, but for now here’s some shots of the inside of the Maryknoll Society House (I don’t have any shots of the inside of the Congregation’s building, but I hope to get some in a few days.
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Summary: The First Days of Orientation
Well, so much has happened in the last week, it’s hard to even know where to begin. We arrived at Bethany, the Marykoll Lay Missioners campus here in Ossining, NY (see picture below) and since then we’ve had some very packed days full of meetings and tasks. It’s been hard for me to really find the time to reflect and spend some time drafting up a post that addresses some of the more introspective and thoughtful moments of the last few days. Much like during my AmeriCorps*NCCC, another experience where I was placed out of the day-to-day grind and into a communal living arrangement, experiences seem to occur at hyperspeed and it’s hard to believe that we have only been here for 1.5 weeks. I feel like I’ve known these people for a long time.

Bethany, the headquarters of Maryknoll Lay Missioners
Katie has a blog post with pictures of our apartment, so click here to see the pictures.
So, let’s talk quickly about the people. Our fellow candidates* are great people. Everyone is very nice. There are 13 of us and we’re from all walks of life, from all different ages, and three different countries. In addition to the fellow mission candidates, we have four nuns going through the training as well, so that brings us up to 17 folks from five different countries (the USA, the Philippines, India, South Korea, and Timor Leste**). By virtue of the activities of the training, we’ve had to be very open and share a lot about ourselves, and we’ve all hit it off very well. There are five of us that are going to Tanzania, and we’ve all become fast friends.
The staff here are also very nice. Almost all the folks are past missioners and they have each done amazing work. Really put themselves on the line for their faith and dedicated their lives to the poor and marginalized. Today, we were reviewing the history of Maryknoll and the MKLM program, and I was humbled at the fact that this organization and these people have invited me into their midst. It is a privilege to be here. Additionally, we've met many welcoming priests and sisters in our time here. These folks are very happy to have us joining them in their mission.
Also, Joanne Miya, the Regional Coordinator for Tanzania, has been here at Bethany for a week-long meeting, so we’ve been spending quite a lot of time with her which has helped provide a great deal of detail about our upcoming lives in Tanzania. She’s been super supportive and excited, and it does help lower the anxiety of the move knowing she’ll be on the other side waiting for us to arrive.
I’m not going to recount all the details of what we have been doing so far, but the week has been chock-full of meetings, and lectures, and discussion groups, and dinners, etc. Just busy from morning until night, hence the lack of blog posts. Our brains are just a bit fried. But as I pointed out to Katie after a particularly long day, “We might be tired now, but at least we’re tired in English.” This is just the start of what will prove to be an exhausting year of training, then travel, then language school, then settling in and starting to live and work in a completely new culture. The fatigue we have now is nothing compared to what’s to come.
A lot of what we’ve been doing on the front end of these 11 weeks is housekeeping and logistics type stuff, but we’ve been able to get into some “content” classes. Two days on the Theology of Mission, a day of Scripture discussions, and sessions discussing the history of the organization as well as its core values. Tomorrow we spend a day discussing Racism! These discussions have been very illuminating, and I want to share some thoughts, but not right now. The brain’s fried, as you know.
I’ll try to get some more photos up in the next few days to give you, Dear Readers, a feel for the place, as well as a glimpse into the Maryknoll Society world headquarters (the front gate is pictured to the right). Six of us managed to slip up north to Bear Mountain State Park and get in a pretty strenuous 4 mile hike last Sunday, so there’s some nice pics in there, too.
* Technically, we’re “candidates” as we move through the discernment process. We won’t officially become “missioners” until the end of the training when we sign contracts.
** Don’t feel bad. I couldn’t have found it on map, either.
Bethany, the headquarters of Maryknoll Lay Missioners
Katie has a blog post with pictures of our apartment, so click here to see the pictures.
So, let’s talk quickly about the people. Our fellow candidates* are great people. Everyone is very nice. There are 13 of us and we’re from all walks of life, from all different ages, and three different countries. In addition to the fellow mission candidates, we have four nuns going through the training as well, so that brings us up to 17 folks from five different countries (the USA, the Philippines, India, South Korea, and Timor Leste**). By virtue of the activities of the training, we’ve had to be very open and share a lot about ourselves, and we’ve all hit it off very well. There are five of us that are going to Tanzania, and we’ve all become fast friends.
The staff here are also very nice. Almost all the folks are past missioners and they have each done amazing work. Really put themselves on the line for their faith and dedicated their lives to the poor and marginalized. Today, we were reviewing the history of Maryknoll and the MKLM program, and I was humbled at the fact that this organization and these people have invited me into their midst. It is a privilege to be here. Additionally, we've met many welcoming priests and sisters in our time here. These folks are very happy to have us joining them in their mission.
Also, Joanne Miya, the Regional Coordinator for Tanzania, has been here at Bethany for a week-long meeting, so we’ve been spending quite a lot of time with her which has helped provide a great deal of detail about our upcoming lives in Tanzania. She’s been super supportive and excited, and it does help lower the anxiety of the move knowing she’ll be on the other side waiting for us to arrive.
I’m not going to recount all the details of what we have been doing so far, but the week has been chock-full of meetings, and lectures, and discussion groups, and dinners, etc. Just busy from morning until night, hence the lack of blog posts. Our brains are just a bit fried. But as I pointed out to Katie after a particularly long day, “We might be tired now, but at least we’re tired in English.” This is just the start of what will prove to be an exhausting year of training, then travel, then language school, then settling in and starting to live and work in a completely new culture. The fatigue we have now is nothing compared to what’s to come.
I’ll try to get some more photos up in the next few days to give you, Dear Readers, a feel for the place, as well as a glimpse into the Maryknoll Society world headquarters (the front gate is pictured to the right). Six of us managed to slip up north to Bear Mountain State Park and get in a pretty strenuous 4 mile hike last Sunday, so there’s some nice pics in there, too.
* Technically, we’re “candidates” as we move through the discernment process. We won’t officially become “missioners” until the end of the training when we sign contracts.
** Don’t feel bad. I couldn’t have found it on map, either.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Quick Update
I hope to get some more photos up from our trips as well as start reflecting on our time here in Ossining, but I AM EXHAUSTED. We've had jam-packed days so far, and it only looks to get busier and busier. Like "grad school" levels of busy. The calendar of events is insane.
But I am with some of the most amazing people that have done some of the most amazing things in their lives. This is a life-changing place. No way we can come out of this experience without experiencing a powerful transformation.
That's all for the day. Off to bed. Full day of Theology classes tomorrow...
But I am with some of the most amazing people that have done some of the most amazing things in their lives. This is a life-changing place. No way we can come out of this experience without experiencing a powerful transformation.
That's all for the day. Off to bed. Full day of Theology classes tomorrow...
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Goin’ Out West, Part 3: California→MS→Alabama

We spent the first day driving up and down the coast, checking out some sights, just hanging out. The next day we spent the day at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park in Escondido. Really cool place.

Up Close and Personal with Lioness
But the most exciting thing was the Great Power Outage of San Diego AKA San Diego Unplugged 2011. Around 3:30pm on that Friday, the power went out at the zoo. OK, whatever. Then Jeremy starts getting texts from a friend saying that the power was out in all of southern California. Eventually we realized that the power was also out in some of Mexico, Arizona, and New Mexico. The entire grid went down. We assumed this was big news, but we now realize that this didn’t make much of a blip on the radars of national news outlets (thanks, lamestream media!**) But it was a big deal for those of us stuck in it. No traffic lights worked. Airport shuts down, all flights cancelled. The radio announcer starts telling everyone that the power could be out for days and to enact your emergency plans immediately. It was quite surreal. Now, in the grand scheme of things, the power was back on in 10 hours and we left on time the next morning, but for a while, we really didn’t know what was happening, so we raided a target, bought a bunch canned food and went back to Jeremy’s for a bonfire behind the “Adventure Shack.” It was a great evening. Who needs power when you're with such good company?***

Looting Target (You pay for stuff when you loot, right?)

The fire behind the "Adventure Shack"
We flew back to Mississippi, stayed the night with my Uncle Carl and Aunt Mischelle, then took off to Alabama to see Gringo Star in concert in Opelika, AL. Great show, great to see the guys.
To finish out this blog post, here’s the video of the first single from their soon-to-be-released album Count Yer Lucky Stars:
* I’ve known the guy for 27 years now.
** I hate this term. Please don’t ever earnestly use this term in conversation with me. Seriously.
***Robots. Robots would likely need power.
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