Beyond simply learning,
remembering, and using new vocabulary and then understanding the nuance that
may be underneath the words themselves, you also must deal with the fact that
people talk differently, and I don't mean accents or simple grammar. I mean the way they think and form sentences is different. In your own culture, you have
a basic assumption of how people will speak to you. But here, someone may say
something to you that makes sense to them and everyone around you but makes no
sense at all to you. What I mean is, beyond idioms, beyond new words, the
things that people choose to say and choose NOT to say are often just as
baffling, if not moreso.
Let’s take simple small
talk, for example.
Small talk here often makes
no sense to an American ear. It’s confusing. Even after almost 3 years here,
its confusing. But maybe "confusing" isn't the right word...maybe "pointless" is better. It circles around
and around and makes no sense. Now, I know there’s very little depth to “Hot today, huh?”
or “How ‘bout them Mets?” but you at least know you’re talking about the
weather of a football team. (Ha HA just kidding, people).
Small talk here- at least small talk with a Westerner- tends to
consist of just stating some random comment about something remotely related to
you, but with the crucial point of not clearly stating what that thing may be.
Here’s a typical example. Keep in mind that this is often in a mix of English
and Swahili.
Me: Habari za leo? (How are
Them: Nzuri. Habari za
kwako? (How’s your home?)
Me: Good.
Me: …What?
Them: How is it?
Me: How is what? America?
Them: YES...UGALI. (a local
food staple)
Me: …What?
Them: UGALI. Have you tried
Me: …Yes. Why?
Them: Sema? (Verb for “say”)
Me: Say what?
Them: MABATINI. (Our
Me:…What about Mabatini?
Them: How is it?
Me: Mabatini? It’s good.
Them: HA HA HA. Yes.
This can pretty much go on
ad infinitum until I just smile and walk away (or look very confused and walk
away). There will often be thumbs up, high fives, and laughter on their part.
So there’s no real moral to
this story. It’s just fascinating (and honestly, often annoying) to see this
happen. I feel that a certain amount of their local interaction is on this
surface level with minimal information. But I also think this is particular relevant to when locals interact with Westerners. I know that most people here know
a little bit of English- often just a few random words they’ve picked up- but
in the same way that I felt good when I had my first simple exchanges in
Swahili, they are likely proud of themselves for engaging the mzungu in
English. Even if it made no sense to the English-speaker. And I can’t really
judge them on that, because I see that same confused look staring at me when I
open my mouth and use Swahili.
I giggled out loud, reading this mock conversation. It is so true! Just this morning, I was having a nice conversation with a shop employee in Swahili. Out of nowhere, in English, he says, "SISTER." Now, very often, Western women are called "sista" so I thought he was just addressing me. But no, he kept saying it. I said, "What about my sister?" He said, "Where is your sister? I want to marry her."
Oh, right! How did I not know that?!?
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